Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holyoke needs an early childhood reading initiative

A child must read to learn by 4th grade or his or her chance of success is slight.

This isn't a new idea or a unique problem. The depth of low reading achievement in Holyoke is unique, and is a root cause of most problems in higher grades.

In 2011, I will focus closely on how early reading practices in the City (not just the schools) can be made excellent. Here's what I hope to accomplish:

1. Following the Kennewick WA model; establish a "90% Goal" in every school.
2. Support the goal as a district priority; task forces and additional resources to every school
3. Press the "Most Important 20 Minutes of Every Day-Read to your Child" concept through early childhood providers, Reading Foundation membership for HPS, other outreach
4. Summer Reading Program at Holyoke Library.